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10/11/00 - Getting to Buffalo

Finally! Made it to Buffalo. At least a week late, but I was there. Met Gwen, the Buffalo Webgrrls chapter leader, at the parking lot of the Sheraton Four Points in Cheektowaga, a suburb outside the city of Buffalo. She led the way to Ruziniaks Auto Service Station, yet another auto shop to enjoy on my way West. Actually, they had to check the engine and do a tuneup based on the warranty of my new engine, something that had to be done at 500 miles.

Gwen was the ultimate hostess, first taking me to a spa because I had emailed her that morning that my back was killing me from the driving and did she know of a good masseuse. She didn't but had emailed around and found a recommendation, then made me an appointment at Excuria.

Sheer heaven! The massage did help my back a little, but the best part turned out to be the steam shower. Now lest you think I'm a prima donna, this was all in the name of back pain relief!

Afterward, Gwen kindly took me to two local tech companies: Syrinex and Full Circle Studios. Everyone was very nice, but I think I left New York City and the new media world for a reason. My mind right now is on entrepreneurship and adventure.

Dinner was at a wonderful bistro, and I had a steak, my meal dictated by the fact that the Berts do not like Shrimp Fettucini Alfredo so a doggie bag would have been out of the question if I went for what I really wanted. But steak, yes sir-ee, they love it.

Gwen insisted that I stay at her beautiful townhouse and her daughter graciously lent me and the Berts her room. We slept on a big, comfy bed and the Berts were pleased.

10/12/00 - Farewell to Buffalo lake erie

Today, Gwen made a comment that after seeing me with the Berts, she realized that her Maltese Max was not actually the most spoiled - actually she said it in a much nicer way but I can't remember the lovely term she used. Ah, it is true - I spoil them and anthropomorphize them. (A wonderful vocabulary word I found in this fantastic book I just finished reading the other day called "Tracks" about a woman named Robyn Davidson who crossed the Australian outback solo with camels. To anthropomorphize is to give human qualities to animals. The book is a must read.)

Anyway, Gwen recommended a vet because I had noticed that Ernie had a hole in his gums which was from his tooth extraction two years ago which had healed but didn't entirely close. Now it seemed larger than before, and I was suspecting it was the cause of his sneezy-wheezy episodes.

Also, Gwen had observed that Chewie scooted on his butt across the carpet and educated me on more than I ever wanted to know about doggie anal glands. Enough said. The vet actually said even more, drawing pictures, then taking care of them. Needless to say, Chewie was not at all pleased to be invaded like that, but it was all in the name of 'pain relief.'

Ernie, on the other hand, would require surgery to try to seal the hole which was indeed risky for his sinuses. His sneezy-wheezy episodes actually are called "reverse sneezing" and at first I thought he was having a seizure or could not breathe. Turns out it is a dog way of itching a scratch in his sinuses and is not dangerous, but could end up being problematic.

I left with some antihistamine and antibiotics for Ernie in case he gets sick from the hole, to take care of him until I can get to another vet. The unfortunate thing about the surgery on his gums is that it may or may not hold the first time and may have to be repeated several times before it takes. In the meanwhile, it isn't critical.

After the vet, Gwen took me to THE LAKE which she insisted I had to see. It was big, windy and choppy, clear enough to see Canada straight ahead. We ate lunch, then headed to Ruziniaks, the mechanic. gwen

Picked up the RV and the bill wasn't too crippling for a full tuneup, lube job, and fixed horn and right blinker. Gwen and I said our goodbyes, and I pulled out of the lot. The engine stopped suddenly, and I had to restart it. I chalked it up to maybe not warming it up enough before going. Little did I know...

Pulled into Erie, PA and the Hill Family Campground. Had a basic gravel and grass site, again close between two other units. Did the camping setup thing and got a good night's sleep.

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